Scrum Rituals & Artifacts

The 3 Scrum artifacts used in Scrum are the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog and the Product Increment.

The 5 rituals (events) are the Sprint, the Sprint Planning, the Daily Scrum the Review and the Retrospective.

Events (rituals)


Scrum Events / Rituale
Scrum Refinement
Scrum Artefakte

Scrum artifacts

Scrum Product Backlog

Product Backlog

  • Contains, if possible, all planned features in the form of user stories that are prioritized against each other within the backlog.
  • Maintained by the product owner
Scrum Sprint Backlog

Sprint Backlog

  • The user stories relevant in the current sprint
  • The scope of the sprint backlog is fixed within the sprint (commitment of the developers)
Scrum Product Increment


  • The software / app to be implemented in the respective sprint
  • Always executable within the scope of the user story specification

Scrum Rituals

Scrum Ritual Sprint Planning

Planning of the upcoming sprint

Sprint Planning

  • Sprint Planning consists of two parts, Planning 1 and Planning 2.
  • In the first part of Sprint Planning, the User Stories planned and prioritized by the Product Owner (PO) are presented to the Developer Team. The developers appreciate the user stories and make an initial commitment.
  • In the second part of the planning, the developers roughly plan the sprint, create subtasks, identify risks and make a final commitment.


  • Product Owner:in
  • Crossfunctional Team
  • Scrum Master:in
Scrum Ritual Daily Scrum

Transparency about the current sprint status, communication within the team and quick identification of blockers.

Daily (Standup)

  • The daily is usually limited to 15 min
  • Each participant answers three questions:
    • What did I do (yesterday)?
    • What am I doing today?
    • What is blocking me right now?
  • Important no discussion session –> timebox to 15 minutes
    • if there are topics requiring clarification
      –> dedicated meeting, or directly following the Daily


  • Product Owner:in
  • Crossfunctional Team
  • Scrum Master:in
Scrum Ritual Sprint Retrospektive

Continuously improve the process and/or eliminate problems.


  • The Scrum Master prepares changing formats in order to continuously collect positive and negative experiences of the project participants and suggestions for improvement.
    • Start / Stop / Continue
    • Mad / Sad / Glad
    • Team / Project SWOT
    • Lean Coffee
  • Concrete tasks should always fall out, which can be implemented in the following sprint in order to continuously improve the process.


  • Product Owner:in
  • Crossfunctional Team
  • Scrum Master:in
Scrum Ritual Sprint Review / Demo

Presentation of the implemented artifact of the last sprint just finished.

Sprint Review (Demo)

  • Presentation of the implemented features by the developers
  • Presentation of the achieved KPIs of the Sprint (Open Stories, Closed Stories, Velocity, etc).
  • If stakeholders are present, the framework could also be used to communicate an overall status in the overall process.


  • Product Owner:in
  • Crossfunctional Team
  • Scrum Master:in
  • If necessary Stakeholder
Scrum Ritual Refinement

Presentation of new stories by the Product Owner (PO) – Story Estimation of the team for forward planning of future sprints.


  • If necessary Clarify questions about current stories
  • Presentation of new user stories by the product owner
  • Feedback on the user stories by the team
  • Relief of the planning meeting, since finished user stories can already be estimated
  • Prioritization of the backlog
  • “Cleaning up” the backlog


  • Product Owner:in
  • Crossfunctional Team
  • Scrum Master:in

Definition of ready / Definition of done

Formal, definable, implicit requirements for user stories(DoR) and increment(DoD).

Definition of Ready

  • The user story is defined in the backlog.
  • The user story meets the formal requirements
  • The user story has complete acceptance criteria
  • The user story has defined first test cases
  • The user story meets the INVEST criteria
  • The user story was appreciated by the developer team
  • Dependencies to other teams / service providers within the user story are identified
  • All third party dependencies such as layouts, assets, API documentation, SDKs are available to the team
  • UX requirements were included in the user story (e.g. behavior in edge cases)

Definition of Done

  • develop branch is “rebased” into the feature branch and conflicts have been resolved where appropriate
  • the increment fully meets the acceptance criteria
  • a documentation is created and hints for testing the story are in the comments
  • The increment has been created without errors in the CI
  • The developer has tested the created increment

Scrum example meetings

Scrum Beispiel Meetings

Kanban as a precursor to story creation

Kanban als Vorstufe zur Story Erstellung

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