Our services

Digital product development

We use holistic processes for the development of digital products

Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile development are bundled in product development, so that cross-functional teams can first develop the solution hypotheses in the form of an MVP, and then further develop them through targeted user feedback and expand them along the customer journey.

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Java Development Services

The Java development team consists of three core roles

Our Java development team has the expertise to meet the needs of your business. We can manage the entire product lifecycle, from requirements, architecture, and design to development, testing, and deployment, or we can provide targeted support at each step along the way.

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Mobile App Development

We develop iOS, Android and hybrid apps

By using the latest technological possibilities, applications are created that will inspire your customers in the long term.

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Web Application Development

“Easy to use” is the top premise of our web applications

Whether B2B or B2C, our user-friendly web applications perfectly map your processes and help you achieve your business goals.

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Backend applications

We develop highly available backend applications

For this, we use cloud native apps as microservices in public or private cloud environments to provide highly available backend systems for your application.

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UI / UX and Design Thinking

We live innovative concepts 

We analyze users, markets and identify business targets. Products are created on the pulse of time and we can react quickly to changes during the development process.

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Agile methods

Agility is the basic attitude in all our projects

Scrum, Kanban, SAFe and many other tools, frameworks and methods are our tools when it comes to developing contemporary and customized products. Iterative, incremental, individual.

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