ChatGPT-4 stellt die neueste Generation der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Textkommunikation dar.

ChatGPT-4 can soon do even more

As you may have noticed, we have also been playing with ChatGPT, Dall-e, Midjourney and other AI / ML platforms for a few months now. Since yesterday the latest version of ChatGPT has been released: ChatGPT-4 (️ SWR). Not all features are enabled yet, such as uploading pictures – we will keep you updated as […]

How does digital MVP development work at a startup?

In the world of software development and digital product management, the term Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is becoming increasingly common. An MVP is an early version of a digital product that is developed and released quickly to validate whether it resonates with users and thus meets the need. By using an MVP, developers and companies […]

Der Agile Produktmanager

Agile Produktmanager stehen vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Hier sind einige Tipps für den Wechsel von klassisch zu agil. Habe eine Vision Veränderung ist in der agilen Produktentwicklung immer willkommen. Ergeben sich im Laufe des Projektes neue Erkenntnisse, so ist es durchaus sinnvoll, diese in die Produktentwicklung einfließen zu lassen, auch wenn dies bedeutet, dass Änderungen an […]