Elasticbrain's tips for using Scrum and agile development processes in digital product development

  • Generally, several smaller user stories are better than a few large ones
    (Problem otherwise: clustering at the end of the sprint).
  • Sinking in iterations across features helps create smaller user stories and achieve goals faster.
    (What does my feature look like in the simplest acceptable form, what can be omitted in the first step) -> Expansion of features via further dedicated user stories.
  • Deadlines are for the product owner (PO) & stakeholders, but not for the development team!
    The team can only ever influence the implementation of the current sprint through the role and not the big picture. The Product Owner (PO) has the task to influence the development progress through good planning, clear prioritization and definition of acceptance criteria (see also Feature Iteration).
  • All features should have a clear added value for the user and be in line with the product vision.
  • Use the team‘s opinion, but do not make a product decision you are not convinced of
  • Minimize unnecessary meetings or reports to stakeholders. When possible, use Scrum events or existing artifacts to communicate work statuses or a roadmap